Collection directed by Jean-Michel Bardez. The transmission of knowledge or world views presupposes stages (and each “step” to be climbed takes us to the very edge of meaning…), transitions, gradual assimilation, adaptation of the entire memory, polysemy, continuous evolution and endless displacement of the self, achieved through critical distan...
Collection directed by Jean-Michel Bardez. The transmission of knowledge or world views presupposes stages (and each “step” to be climbed takes us to the very edge of meaning…), transitions, gradual assimilation, adaptation of the entire memory, polysemy, continuous evolution and endless displacement of the self, achieved through critical distance, transgression and transversality. If we think of “double helix” stairways, we shouldn’t forget that there are always parallel terrains that are unconscious, encrypted or forbidden, whose apparently watertight partitions are awaiting transmutation. And keep in mind that all these “scalar” trajectories, no matter how narrow, spiral or winding they be, as they open up before us in the towers leading to certain organ platforms, to musical enjoyment founded on the broadest possible transformed memory, most often also provide an opening onto a magnificent view.
D'accords ! - Pour comprendre les tempéraments et accorder son instrument
L'improvisation jazz - Double approche théorique et pratique
Le jeu sunétique - Un outil pour le monde sonore
Réflexions didactiques sur l'enseignement musical - Approches théoriques, études de cas, épistémologie et histoire des pédagogies
A History of the Saxophone Through the Methods Published in France: 1846-1942 - (COLLECTIVE)
Formation musicale – Formation du musicien - Edition directed by Jean-Michel Bardez and Jean-Paul Despax
Une histoire du saxophone par les méthodes parues en France : 1846-1942
Vocabulaire de l'espace en musiques électroacoustiques